Zambiez Wiki

General Information[]

Treat Injury is used to restore HP to the target or fix other types of defects. Treat Injury can only be used on a target after receiving an injury. If you treat a target you may not treat that target again until they have taken more damage. You cannot restore HP to a target taking continuous damage (ex. Bleeding). If a target is taking continuous damage you may perform Treat Injury checks to reduce the damage and perform a normal treat injury to restore HP once the continuous damage stops. Without the proper items treat injury can only restore HP or reduce damage.

During battle, Treating an injury takes 2 full turns from you; in addition, you target cannot take any actions or they will not receive any healing. On the first turn, roll a Treat Injury check to see how much you will heal the target and perform a concentration check (DC 10). On your next turn, roll another concentration check (DC 13). If both concentration checks are successful then the target is fully healed. If you fail either check by 2 or less; lower the amount healed by 1 HP and try again.

If an ally is knocked out and reduced to negative HP you may choose to stabilize the target. Perform a Treat Injury Check (DC 15). If successful you begin stabilizing the target. Perform a concentration check (DC 10 + targets negative health value – Half Treat Injury) to keep the target stabilized each turn. If failed, Your stabilizing is stopped. As long as you are stabilizing the target, the targets HP does not drop from being knocked out. Each successful Will Save will restore 1 HP to the target until the required 3 saves are reached. If 3 saves in a row are failed redo your stabilization.
